But now the taxidriver had gotten so attracted by me, that he couldn't keep his lips off of my cheek...

Category: , , By Caitlin
Man, My Darling YOU! are fucking ace.

I'm going into see my Grandparents tomorrow morning. They finally came home from holidays. It's good, because I missed them. I've gone from seeing them every day to not at all - it's made me angsty. I'm a big angsty teddy-bear. Speaking of which, I miss my big crazy teddy-bear. He's not in my head anymore. I don't know where he went...

Oh, and just so you know, the iPod's do not own anything...

1 comment so far.

  1. Anonymous February 13, 2008
    You're a little angst muffin!
    ^__^ Yes you are!

Something to say?