But now the taxidriver had gotten so attracted by me, that he couldn't keep his lips off of my cheek...
Man, My Darling YOU! are fucking ace.
I'm going into see my Grandparents tomorrow morning. They finally came home from holidays. It's good, because I missed them. I've gone from seeing them every day to not at all - it's made me angsty. I'm a big angsty teddy-bear. Speaking of which, I miss my big crazy teddy-bear. He's not in my head anymore. I don't know where he went...
Oh, and just so you know, the iPod's do not own anything...
I'm going into see my Grandparents tomorrow morning. They finally came home from holidays. It's good, because I missed them. I've gone from seeing them every day to not at all - it's made me angsty. I'm a big angsty teddy-bear. Speaking of which, I miss my big crazy teddy-bear. He's not in my head anymore. I don't know where he went...
Oh, and just so you know, the iPod's do not own anything...
^__^ Yes you are!