Damn Pirates!

Category: , , , , , By Caitlin
I'm going to save up all my money and then buy Starshaped. Why? Because I need it. I need Blur-ry goodness!

I need to stop looking at Blur pictures. I'm sitting on the couch with a grin I can't get rid of, and I keep giggling and Mum's giving me weird looks. So I'll buy the Starshaped DVD (Thirty-something dollars. I can save that much, right?) and then I'll sit and watch it and SQUEE rather loudly, ne?

Here's your reward for listening to my fan-girling.

4 comments so far.

  1. Asajii January 09, 2008
    Alex looks so weedy in that first picture.
    And not in the usualsexy kind of way.
  2. Caitlin January 11, 2008
    I know. Not sure if I'm a big fan of that jumper thing he's wearing.

    I think my favourite picture of him is the second one, fo' sho'.
  3. Asajii January 11, 2008
    Yes he second one is indeed the bestest.
    ^_^ I have glasses now, I forgot to tell you. And that's conveiniant because now I can say, "My glasses are just like Grahams :D"
  4. EleanorAbnormal October 04, 2009
    i'm fliping loving your blogs,you should be on youtube

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