To quote Mr. City and Horses, "I don't want to dream."

Category: , , , , , , , , By Caitlin
Dream 1: I was in a large, expensive hotel. I was standing around talking to some people, until a security guard came up and tried to kick me out. I threw a glass of water in his face and then started running around with a group of Asian kids. The security guards tried to lock us inside while they called the police, but me and one of the other kids broke one of the enormous glass windows, and everyone ran out from there. Me and the other kid decided to run away to America so we grabbed some bicycles and rode down to Cooloman Court to get camping supplies, except Coolo was Woden... If that makes any sense whatsoever...
We got there and we saw Coby and Courtney and Rachel sitting in the food court (which was where Fantasy Doughnuts/Big W is) and we went up and tried to scab money off them. They gave us handfuls of small change. Then we walked around to try and get more money, but there were undercover police everywhere looking for us.
I saw Mrs. Kelleher with a big group of teacher-friends doing a drama performance. I walk up to her and pretend to trip over and drop all my money at her feet. She gets her high-heeled shoe and grinds on my hand with it, until my fingers are all bloody and raw and crushed. I can't scream or anything because of all the police around. I get up and walk around, and see a quiver of arrows leaning against a wall near a table of people. I walk past and grab it, but Jamie Durie starts chasing me down a flight of stairs (they're his arrows). He's having an affair with someone's wife and doesn't want me to tell, so he's going to kill me. I get outside and start screaming it out. The police run up and start beating me with their truncheons.

Dream 2:I was in prison. Everyone had just been released out of Solitary. We were lined up so they could count us, and a guard threw a rock at me. I caught it and threw it on the ground. The guard had a go at me and threatened to put everyone back into Solitary. I begged and begged for him not to, because if they were put back, everyone would kill me for it. In the end he just gave me nine months of Solitary (which at the time didn't seem all that bad, considering I got to keep my life...) instead of everyone else being punished as well.
The prison itself was in the middle of the jungle, sweltering heat and bugs and little to drink. We were all kept in a large compound made of dirt, with one long 'L' shaped building where we all slept. Outside the compound, directly in front of the gates, were the administration buildings and the canteen. Occasionally we were allowed visits from people, and to walk with them to the canteen and around the admin section. The prison was really extreme and the guards were total sadists. It was awful. For some reason there also seemed to be a bizzare amount of people from Stromhole there (Reece, Stephen... Others...).
Anyway, the next part of my dream I was in the back seat of a car, being driven back to prison through the jungle. There was a doctor sitting in the backseat with me, and he was telling me about secret escape routes from the prison, but I wasn't really listening. I was just looking out the window of the car as we drove back.

Is it just me, or is there a common theme of persecution running through my dreams?
Anyway, dreaming really vividly at the moment. Hopefully I haven't jynxed it and there might be some more through the week. I wanna have a Christmas dream...

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