Oh. My. God.

Category: , , , , , , , , By Caitlin
Oh. My. God. I thought it was only possible to find pretties when you were at Civic, or Woden, but I just went down to Noodle Castle and there was the prettiest looking guy I've seen for heaps long! I think I might stroll down and buy some spring rolls in the new year, just to have another look at him. He had the cutest accent ever too. I love Vietnamese accents...

Oh. My. God. I just uploaded a whole load of files to my iTunes library that I thought I'd lost, and there's actually heaps of good music in there. Why did I ever get rid of it?

Oh. My. God. When I was out with Nanna and Da the other day, Da started driving up the wrong lane of traffic, towards the oncoming cars. It was terrifying.

Oh. My. God. Only one more writing day left until Christmas. I'm not gonna get my Christmas story done... But I did come up with the idea of an incredibly pretty Santa Claus (who looks oddly like Pelle Carlberg crossed with Jeff Buckley), so I suppose it's not a total wash-out...

Oh. My. God. Kim's dog hates me. When I went there the other day so we could walk down to the school together, the dog came in and started barking and growling at me. Man, I growl once, and this dog hates me for the rest of it's life... *sighs*

Oh. My. God. I was walking past Hot Dollar in Tuggeranong and y'know how they have the giant inflatable Christmas decorations out the front? If you walk past the giant Santa Claus, it looks like he has an enormous erection. I walked past it with my Da, and I pissed myself laughing, and he was all, "What? What's so funny?" Needless to say, I didn't tell him...

Oh. My. God. Did you know Blu-Tack can remove lint from clothes? *is amazed*

Oh. My. God. I've finally decided what I'm going to be when I grow up. I'm going to be a thief, and go around the world stealing things. I'll steal things from Go-Lo, I'll steal things from jewelers. I'll even steal pictures from Art museums. *cackles*

Oh. My. God. Did you know that even some so-called 'smart' people don't get sarcasm? Let's take, for example, Andrew at Graduation...
Andrew: [As the award for Band is being handed out] I bet that Meghan Smith will win this one.
Me: [Voice literally dripping with sarcasm] Oh wow, Andrew! However did you guess that?!
Andrew: [Talking to me like I'm stupid] Well, uhh, I thought it was kind of obvious... Because she was doing all that band stuff... And... Yeah...

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