My Chicken Duet just came all over my plate..

Category: , , , , , By Caitlin
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Just because parasols are fucking awesome. I have a parasol. I got it in Cowra at the Japanese Gardens there... They were nice gardens. We drank tea... Well, Mum did - I had a coke.

I watched a very good movie today. It was called Sleepers, and it was about these four boys who are sent to a juvenile detention center, where they're really horiffically abused by the guards and stuff. They come out of it, and two of the boys end up becoming a lawyer and a journalist, and the other two end up becoming hitmen. Anyway, the two hitmen are in a bar and they see one of the guys who abused them, so they go up to him and ask him if he remembers who they are, and he doesn't for a while, but suddenly he remembers, and he's all, "What do you want?" and then one of the hitmen replies, "What I've always wanted. To watch you die." and then they both take out their guns, and shoot him about six times in the middle of a bar.
It was very cool, and fair enough, because the guy was a total prick. Anyway, I've kind of forgotten where I'm going with this... Oh yeah! It had Brad Pitt in it, and it was back when he could actually act! It was ace, and he had fluffy hair and was kind of attractive! And then there was another actor, who was called Jason Patric, who I could've sworn I'd seen somewhere before, but I hadn't, because I looked on IMDB and couldn't find anything with him in it that I'd watched...

For part of today I sat, staring at my comptuer, wondering how you spell a letter. Because it can't just be one letter. It has to be something more than that. I can't put it into words. But I ended up getting really angry about it, because I just couldn't make it work out how I wanted it to. How can twenty six little symbols make up our lives and have such lack of meaning? What can you say about the letter A? It's a vowel. It's the first letter of the alphabet. It comes before B. It resembles a triangle. But there's nothing much more to say about it. You spell the letter A simply as a. It all seems a bit pointless, doesn't it? I dunno. Maybe only I get it...

I just looked over into my supposedly empty glass, and there was some orange juice still in it, so that was a nice suprise... ^_^

Tate sat at his desk, staring blankly at his computer screen. The numbers in the excel spreadsheet stared back at him. Abruptly he stood up, pushing his chair back from him, ripping off his tie and stalking out of his cubicle, into the hallway that was bordered with the walls of other cubicles. This was all it ever was. Everyone was trapped in their cubicle. They would sit there, day after day after day, staring at the monitors like zombified corpses for the rest of their lives. Tate knew it. He'd probably known it for the last twenty years, but he hadn't really wanted to admit it to himself. He knew it now though. He knew it now and he wanted to scream it; run through the office yelling it out at the top of his lungs. But he couldn't. His throat had closed up and the entire world seemed so painful that he found himself feeling as though he was about to cry.
He lent against the outer wall of his cubicle, blending in all too well with the industral grey paint that had been used to cover the wall. He felt tiny. Tiny and sick and horrible, left with the urge to go out, get totally drunk and then kill himself. Stumbling down the hallway towards the lift he had to half lean against the wall for support, not sure that his legs would support his weight any longer. Urgently he pressed the button for the lift, quite aware that he looked a total mess; receeding black hair in dissaray, white work shirt untucked and half unbuttoned, revealing his undershirt.
And then Catlin couldn't think of anymore to write (and it was supposed to come out better than it did, but it didn't). Except that Tate went out, got really drunk, and then went back to his apartment and cried and contemplated killing himself. Which isn't really anything new, since he does it every second week. He has some mental issues, does my Tate. But I love him. He's like a big crazy teddy-bear. ^_^

And now, for your viewing pleasure, here are some pictures...
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Actually, I was quite sure I had more to say, but apparently I don't...

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