Massive Egos, Need Some Attention.

Category: , , , By Caitlin
I read in the paper this morning about how a newspaper in England was looking for a five word slogan to represent the country. There were some funny ones. I'll rip out the article tomorrow morning. But I've decided that Australia needs to come up with a similar idea. (And no, the title of this post has nothing to do with that. I was just making fun of MENSA when I was sitting in the car on the ride home.). So what would be some good slogans for Australia? C'mon. Hit me with your best shot, as Pat Benetar would say.

I saw a kid popping wheelies in his wheelchair when we were coming home. I laughed for, like, ten minutes.

I made an idea web for Tate yesterday. Did you know he has a daughter? I didn't (well, until yesterday of course...). And he has an ex-wife as well. Neither of which have names, at this point. His wife is actually really nice. She still loves Tate, but she just can't handle his depression (bi-polar-ness?), so they live apart. Tate only gets to see his daughter once a month, which he hates, but knows is best for everyone. And the only time he ever smiles is when he sees his kid. Aww...

Sometimes I feel as though I'm on the teetering on the edge of a line. I can either fall over the line, and grow up, or fall backwards and revert into acting like a kid again. Which I already do at the moment, but that's beside the point. Do you get what I mean? Someone? ANYONE? *sighs*

I woke up this morning and I felt like shit. My tongue, which I'd burnt really badly last night, was dry and stuck to the roof of my mouth. My throat felt like someone had gotten at it with a cheese grater. My nose was plugged with mucus and I couldn't breathe. It was awful. And basically I've felt like that the whole day. I felt to shit during Math that I didn't even have the will to perv, so I lay under the table for a bit. There's always something wrong if I don't have the strength to have a perv...

Anyway, there's more to say, except for the fact that it's all in my notebook - which is in my bag. And henceforth, not going to be blogged...

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