*braves the London traffic*

Category: By Caitlin
List of names to call children (if I ever have any):

- Carolla.
- Honda.
- Camry.
- Steven.
- Prosper.
- Jeff.
- Eleanor.
- Tate.
- Alima.
- Joan.
- Alexander.
- Alexandra.
- Neal.
- Stalin.
- Lenin.
- 6.
- Richard.
- Robin.
- Allan.
- Guy.
- Much.
- Will.
- Djaq.
- Marian.
- Lol.
- This.
- Is.
- Getting.
- Dull.
- ..

1 comment so far.

  1. EleanorAbnormal October 04, 2009
    Warning if you call your kid Eleanor it will forever be know as smelly,belly,nelly,ellie or elephant or nobody will spell the kid's name right

Something to say?