Mr. Magoo was fucking his shoe. He got AIDS.
...Me and a few other people were trying to break into this really high security storage yard/warehouse place. There was wire fencing and lights everywhere. We climbed the fence and jumped across, trying to keep to the shadows. And suddenly it was day, and everyone from Stromhole was there and walking around the yard. Then I realised that it was actually a prison, except the gates were open. No one could get out though, because everytime someone went near the gates they were shut. So me and the people who'd broken into the place with me made a run for it, and got through the gates just as they were closing. Everyone else was still trapped in there though, and they all walked up to the gate and looked out at us. And so then we had people climbing over the fence one at a time, and we were catching them as they came across. Eventually enough people were over to help the others over, so I just walked off. Suddenly I was lost in this dense crowd of people from Stromhole, except I couldn't see anyone I knew. And I was being pushed along and along, and I couldn't stop moving. I was taken down a giant escelator, and suddenly I was standing out the front of Stromhole. I found Kath and we started walking along together. This really sleazy year nine came up to us and put his arms around our shoulders and said, "Y'know, I'm really gonna miss you guys. We were in heaps of photographs together, blah blah blah. OVERWHELMING FEELING OF CREEP." Then I ran off because he was freaking me out. I ran back and saw him and Kath still walking along, so I ran up in front of them and said, "He's like a fish - REALLY SLIMEY." Except he wasn't there, it was Kath and Dinny and Ryan V, and they all gave me this really weird look. So I walked off on my own and went and sat in the gutter, and watched this group of year sevens running backwards and forth across the road. 'Tools.' I thought...