Tate, again...

Category: , , , , By Caitlin
Some of the Basics First:
Full Name -- Tate Matthias Edson Turner
Meaning of Name -- N/A
Nickname -- N/A
Birth Date -- May 16th
Astrological Sign and Details -- Taurus - The Taurus person is resourceful, thorough, dependable, responsible, loyal, patient, placid, stable, sensual, affectionate, comfortable, solid, earthy, strong, money-oriented, practical, productive, cautious, musical, and artistic. They can also sometimes be stubborn, indulgent, insecure, acquisitive, possessive, rigid, stodgy and slow. Suitable occupations are where perseverance, practicality and responsibility are awarded,and security is available; such as builders, farmers, bankers, civil servants, accountants and artistic pursuits, especially singing and sculpture.
Birth Place -- Fairfield, Sydney. Australia.
Age -- 34
Race -- Caucasian.
Hair Color -- Black.
Hair Style -- Cut short, fluffy and sticks up a little around his forehead.
Shape and Features of Face -- Round, full lips, stubble.
Eye Color -- Dark brown.
Skin Tone -- Pale.
Any Scars or Distinguishing Marks -- Scar from when he had his appendix taken out when he was fifteen.
Build or Body Type -- Solid - which is just a nice way to say chubby.
Height -- 5ft 10inches.
Weight -- 80kg.

Family and Childhood:
Mother -- Rachel Turner
Father -- Edson Turner
Parents' Occupations -- His Mum stayed at home, his Dad worked in an office somewhere...
Family Finances -- Alright. I suppose. Not well off, but they survived.
Brothers -- Younger brother; Neal Turner.
Sisters -- Older sister: Katherine Turner.
Other Close Family -- N/A
Best Friend -- Billy Smith, from down the street.
Other Friends -- N/A
Pets -- A cat called Rumball.
Home Life During Childhood -- Average.
Any Sports or Clubs -- N/A
Schooling -- University. Arts degree. Maybe in English. Or Communications. Not sure.
Favorite Subject -- English.
Popular or Loner -- Loner... Poor Tate.
Important Experiences or Events -- N/A
Health Problems -- Slightly overweight.
Culture -- Australian...?
Religion -- Catholic.

Your Character's Character:
Bad Habits -- Being moody/angsty.
Strong Points -- Loyal, loving.
Temperament -- Laid back. Sad.
Attitude -- Anxious.
Weakness -- Depression, slightly alcoholism...
Fears -- The death of his parents. Family being hurt.
Secrets -- N/A
Regrets -- Having to live apart from his family.
Feels Vulnerability When -- He is alone.
Pet Peeves -- Intolerance, the usual stuff.
Conflicts -- N/A
Motivation -- The stability of his family.
Goals and Hopes -- To be happy. For his family to be happy.
Sexuality -- Straight.
Exercise Routine -- Huh?
Speech -- Educated. Intelligent.
Tag Words -- N/A
Gestures -- Gestures with his hands a lot.
Day or Night Person -- Night person. Very much a night person.
Introvert or Extrovert -- Introvert. He only wants people to know the bare minimum about him.
Optimist or Pessimist -- Pessimist. He's seen the worst in people and expects it.

Likes and Styles:
Music -- Classical. Jazz.
Books -- Classics. Wilde and Dickens.
Foods -- Fish and pasta.
Drinks -- Red wine.
Animals -- Golden Retrievers.
Sports -- Golf.
Social Issues -- Israel/Palestine Conflict.
Color -- Black.
Clothing -- Baggy. Dressy.
Jewelry -- His wedding ring.
Games -- Monopoly.
TV Shows -- Spicks and Specks.
Movies -- The Great Escape.

Where and How Does Your Character Live Now:
Home -- Two level house in the suburbs, three bedroom, two bathroom, double garage. Average little house.
Household furnishings -- Comfortable.
Favorite Possession -- Photo of him and Alima and Rassia at the beach.
Neighborhood -- Nice. Lots of middle class families.
Town or City Name -- Sydney.
Details of Town or City -- Biggest city in Australia.
Partner -- Alima Turner.
Children -- Rassia Turner.
Relationship with Family -- Good. Happy.
Best Friend -- N/A
Other Friends -- N/A
Car -- Family sedan.
Pets -- A dog called Syphilis. Sipphy for short.
Career -- Office job of some description.
Dream Career -- He's happy with his job at the moment.
Dream Life -- He's also happy with his life.
Hobbies -- Golf. Sailing.
Sports or Clubs -- Sailing Club.
Talents -- Ace sense of humour.
Finances -- Stable.
Health Problems -- Slightly overweight. High blood pressure.
Culture -- Australian...? Religion -- Non-practicing Catholic.

Your Character's Life Before Your Story
Past Careers -- He did a paper run when he was younger. Used to work in a bank, before they all became automated.
Past Lovers -- Some girl in college who he can't (and doesn't really want to) remember.
Biggest Mistakes -- Not trying for a better job when he had the chance.
Biggest Achievements -- His daughter, Rassia.

A Little Extra Information
a) If your character could have two whole weeks for vacation and go and do anything he or she wanted, what and where would it be?
He would take Alima and Rassia to the West Bank to visit Alima's parents. The only thing stopping him from doing it now is the whole Israel/Palestine conflict. He doesn't want to take his family anywhere dangerous.

b) If your character had a weakness for one of the seven deadly sins, which one would it be and why? (pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, sloth)
Wrath. If someone crosses him or anyone he cares about, they're on Tate's shit-list for life.

c) If your character could bring one person back to life and spend a whole day with him or her, who would it be and why?
No one really. The dead should stay dead, in Tate's opinion.

d) If your character won a three-million dollar lottery, what would he or she do with the money?
Buy his parents a new house. Get his brother a car. Pay off his sisters mortgage. Buy he and Alima a new house. Get Rassia a pony.

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