Foot Tutorial

Category: , , , , By Caitlin
Finally, the weekend has arrived. Actually, I'm so relieved that I think that deserves capital letters. The Weekend.

Nothing much interesting happened at school today. It seemed like it was about to kick-off at recess and lunch, but the teachers heard about it and started 'patroling' the troublesome areas. Sometimes I really do swear that Stromhole is like a prison. There's steel mesh on most of the windows now so that you can't climb out of them. The teachers have walkie-talkies so they can communicate with each other across the yard - I mean playground. And people can always tell if something's up. You sense it in the air and by the way people are moving. People always move in the same patterns on the playground unless there's gonna be a fight. Then people start congregating in groups that they normally wouldn't - once you've been at Stromhole long enough it's easy to tell when something's going to happen. Except it didn't today. I heard that there was going to be something happen on the oval after school though, but I didn't stick around long enough to find out whether anything did. I wanted to get Da home. If something was going to happen I didn't want him around.

I'm having a serious case of writers block. *searches frantically for plot bunnies* I CAN'T FIND THEM! *sobs*

Umm. Yeah. Getting an iTunes card tomorrow. Sweet.

2 comments so far.

  1. Anonymous October 20, 2007
    Nice new layout and very informative posts.

    What music are you going to get with your iTunes card?
  2. Caitlin October 22, 2007
    Haha. Thanks. MySpace was shitting me off. And snaps for me finally fixing it so people can comment. *snap snap snap*

    Pelle Carlberg stuff. He's really good. I'll burn you some of his stuff sometime. And I got that Vitriol song, since it's totally ace. XD

Something to say?